Get ready for tough economic times : Prepare yourself now or repent later.

 The June 15,2022 will decide the entire world economy for next 18 months. This statement might sound idiotic but it's absolutely backed up with logical reasoning. Currently USA , is going through worst inflation rate , which is about 8% the highest in last 40years of US economy.

While the war between Russia and Ukraine has already established it's malign effects on the stock markets of the world. Also the covid effect on Economy is quite agressive with EDTech  companies going down day by day and modern commerce has its issues .

At this juncture if the US economists manage to carve it's niche from the strong inflation clouds, it might be favorable for World economy. But the chances are less!

Due to this Indian Stock market, Mutual funds may see a sharp decline and major depression soon.

With awareness of investment in mutual funds sahi hai and stocks , majority of Indians are tend to loose their investments . 

At this moment Equity News has come up with saviour program for Indian investors.

What to do in this times?

Please dissolve your mutual fund portfolios and book profit ,what ever you can as soon as possible. 

Mutual funds or stock investment in Technology, Aggregator platforms( Zomato type) , financial wallets especially Paytm should get dissolve as soon as possible.

Also Food businesses stocks should be sold off , don't get into the trap to square up at this moment.

Encash all your portfolios other than debt free companies , oil and gas, EV and battery manufacturing company.

After dissolving it wait and watch and start focusing on real estate stocks and mutual funds, soveign bonds, and banking funds . You will be able to survive with 10 to 12% return, which is good till May 23.

The festive season has good command on Indian economy ,so till Diwali you will be able to see some kind of movement , which is positive atleast once a week in trading sessions. But post Diwali the days are going to be tough, so be prepared with cash in hand and allote contigency funds  for your survival. 

Equity News will keep updating the assistance strategy from time to time.

Only this percentage of stocks are performing in current times

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